The Bloomington/Normal - Asahikawa Sister Cities Committee is dedicated to enhancing international relations and fostering goodwill between the vibrant Bloomington-Normal community in Illinois and the charming city of Asahikawa, located on Hokkaido island in Japan. Through a variety of cultural exchanges, engaging educational programs, and collaborative community projects, the committee works diligently to bridge these two distinct communities, promoting mutual understanding and nurturing long-lasting friendships that span across the Pacific Ocean.

Our Story

Since 1962, the Bloomington/Normal - Asahikawa Sister Cities program has established with a vision to foster international understanding and build bridges between the communities of Bloomington/Normal, Illinois, and Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan. This program has a long-standing partnership rooted in cultural exchange and mutual respect.

The program's early years were characterized by enthusiastic participation from both communities, laying a strong foundation for future endeavors. Each year, Bloomington/Normal sends a group of junior ambassador students—ranging from 8th grade through their sophomore year—on a ten-day trip to Asahikawa. This immersive experience allows these young ambassadors to explore Japanese culture, engage in local traditions, and form lasting friendships with their peers in Asahikawa. In return, Asahikawa reciprocates by sending its own students to Bloomington/Normal, offering them a chance to experience American life and foster cross-cultural connections.

Beyond these annual exchanges, the program also includes long-term student exchanges. Bloomington/Normal sends a student to Asahikawa for an entire academic year, providing a deep dive into Japanese culture and education. Conversely, a student from Asahikawa spends a full year in Bloomington/Normal, integrating into the local community and gaining a comprehensive understanding of American culture. These year-long exchanges have been instrumental in creating enduring bonds and promoting a richer appreciation of each other's ways of life.

The success of the program is attributed to the collaborative efforts of the Sister Cities Committees and the mayors of both towns. Working closely together, they have nurtured this partnership, ensuring that each year’s exchanges are meaningful and impactful. Through their dedication, the Bloomington/Normal - Asahikawa Sister Cities program has effectively bridged the gap between the two cities, fostering a deep sense of global community and mutual respect. This enduring relationship continues to thrive, reflecting the shared commitment to international goodwill and cultural enrichment.